dimanche 16 septembre 2012

Tweleve hours for developing a Windows 8 app

What would you do friday night? What's about developing an app, and for which platform, for Windows 8!BeMyApp organized a hack event on friday 14/09/2009 in a cool place called Milk (a nice place for game competitions) near Opéra (Paris).
During this hackathon developers were asked to build a Windows 8 app that a specific topic: image processing.
Sounds interesting but you have only tweleve hours to develop such an app then present it to a jury composed of Microsoft engineers. 
Unfortunately (as always) I had to find a team, I ended in a two members team with only another student while there were teams with dozen members! And yet I wasn't familiar whit microsoft technologies (i.e. windows 8 and visual studio).
Anyway, it was fun and I finished the hackhaton in time with a simple intuitive app for kids, it was working, no bugs :)
The app (the previous picture shows a snapshot of the result of 12h hacks) was a simple windows 8 drawing application based on HTML5 (mainly on canvas). With this app, kids can have fun coloring a black-and-white reference picture (chosen from the app images library).

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